WOLTS Project Mongolia - Dalanjargalan Summary \July 2017\

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Mokoro’s practical and action-oriented long-term strategic research project, the Women’s Land Tenure Security Project (WOLTS), is piloting its methodology through a ‘Study on the threats to women’s land tenure security in Mongolia and Tanzania’. Working together with People Centered Conservation (PCC) in Mongolia, we have been investigating the state of women’s land tenure security in pastoral areas affected by mining investments, through both participatory qualitative and quantitative research to identify the main threats to the land rights of women and vulnerable groups. The WOLTS project’s aim is to assess possible means to improve gender equity in land tenure governance and secure the land rights of vulnerable people from internal threats within communities, as well as to support communities as a whole to withstand external threats to their land and natural resources (see our website: www.mokoro.co.uk/wolts).
This Summary shares our findings from our research in Dalanjargalan soum between April and November 2016, including initial field visits, a baseline survey and a participatory fieldwork phase.
We are grateful for both the overall support of the soum government and the engagement and hospitality of the people of Dalanjargalan throughout.