Improving governance of pastoral lands

This technical guide on Improving governance of pastoral lands was prepared by a team led by Jonathan Davies from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and including Pedro Herrera (Entretantos Foundation), Jabier Ruiz-Mirazo (IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management), Jennifer Mohamed-Katerere (IUCN Commission on Environment, Economic and Social Policy), Ian Hannam (IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law) and Emmanuel Nuesiri (University of Potsdam, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences). The work was done under the leadership and supervision of Caterina Batello at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), coordinated by Vivian Onyango (FAO) and supported by Razingrim Ouedraogo and Michelle Kimeu of IUCN.

Elaboration of the technical guide has been done through a consultative process overseen by a technical board of the following experts in pastoralism and land rights: Alejo Zarzycki, Caterina Batello, Charlotte Beckh, Fiona Flintan, Francesca Romano, Gonzalo Oviedo, Harold Liversage, Jean Maurice Durand, Jeremy Swift, Joseph Ole Simel, Katherine Homewood, Khalid Khawaldeh, Lalji Satya, Luca Miggiano, Maryam Niamir Fuller, Monica Lomena-Gelis, Munkhbolor Gungaa, Razingrim Ouedraogo and Vivian Onyango. The technical board held a two-day workshop at FAO headquarters in Rome on 24–25 March 2015 to reflect on and review the first draft of the technical guide and to propose amendments for further work. In addition to the authors and the technical board members, the following individuals also participated in the workshop: Francesca Distefano, Fritjof Boerstler, Irene Hoffman, Pablo Manzano, Paulo Groppo, Vincent Briac-Warnon and the late Robinson Djeukam Njinga.

The draft technical guide was significantly improved thanks to reviews from the following experts: Aderinoye Sidikat, Adoulaye Diaoure, Adrian Cullis, Babo Fadlalla, Birgit Muller, David Palmer, Eugenio Sartoretto, Francesca Distefano, Francisco Carranza, Frank Escobar, Fred Kafeero, Getachew Gebru, Gillian Vogt, Gregorio Velasco, Irene Hoffman, Karen Greenhough, Margret Vidar, Maryam Rahmanian, Paolo Groppo, Phillip Kisoyan, Piers Simpkin and Robert Allport. In addition to FAO staff, reviewers were identified through the network of the World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP). The guide was edited by Shannon Russell and laid out by Luca Feliziani. FAO sincerely thanks the Government of Germany for financial contribution towards the production of this guide, and IUCN together with WISP for their collaboration in its development.